Public Act 23-137 – Section 26

SECTION 26: Strengthening Transition Services for Students with Special Needs

What it says: Section 26 introduces new roles and responsibilities aimed at improving transition services for students with special needs. These services help students move from school to activities like post-secondary education, employment, or independent living. The section defines key terms like “Transition Service,” “Transition Resources,” “Public Transition Program,” and “Transition Coordinator.”

The Department of Education will employ a State-wide Transition Services Coordinator. This person will have multiple responsibilities, including:

  1. Coordinating transition resources and services across the state.
  2. Setting minimum standards for public transition programs.
  3. Conducting unannounced site visits to assess the effectiveness of these programs.
  4. Developing an online course for educators about transition services.
  5. Setting training standards for Transition Coordinators.
  6. Establishing best practices for providing transition services.

The Commissioner of Education will also hire at least one assistant to help with these duties.

What it means for parents: If you are a parent of a child who requires special education, this section is particularly beneficial. It aims to improve the quality and effectiveness of services that help your child transition from school to adult life. The new State-wide Transition Services Coordinator will ensure that programs meet minimum standards and are effectively implemented. This could mean better outcomes for your child in terms of education, employment, and independent living.
